His name was Mr Giggles and he always found a way
To keep himself concealed from all the children out at play
He’d creep right up behind them, a balloon clenched in his fist
‘Good day my love’ he’d whisper as he grabbed one by the wrist
‘I’ve an awful lot to show you in my cave here underground’
His lips were salivating at that innocent sweet sound
A scream, a gasp, the shock, oh my! Poor Billy does not know
The nightmare up ahead of him, the pain, the angst, the woe
And so it was that Billy went, to play with his new mate
The jester Mr Giggles, a clown so full of hate
Poor Giggles was misunderstood, it happened in his youth
It was his peers that tortured him, that made him so uncouth
It always starts a lonely clown, a fool who has no life
He cannot find a partner, and he surely has no wife
So easy to be tempted to the dark side of reality
Where pain and anger feed the beasts of envy, lust and vanity
Society leaves them behind, the public cast them out
They then return with chaos, spreading fury, fear and doubt
Our good friend Giggles was like this, he started not so bad
But when the world just turns its head, our clown is turning mad
They don’t want me, they look over me, inside my head
They just torture me, they rule over me, inside my head
A lesson here, it should be learned, for we are all to blame
We push the outcasts to the edge, just laughing at their shame
Perhaps old Giggles had no chance to show us who he is
Accepting him could surely have prevented all of this
But now instead, we’ve failed him and a monster is created
Apologies and such regrets are useless and belated
Instead we have to look inside, examine ourselves deep
Pursue real love to all, not just things rotten, foul and cheap
As soon as we abandon our materialistic right
We’ll then be spared this nightmare; Mr Giggles and his might
And so you see, my loving friends the tale of our dear clown
Its not a story to be told without a tear or frown
For those who hide the dark side of our personalities
A word of warning….

WANTED: Help locating our dear clown, have you seen him around and about? If so please contact us using the form here
What does Mr Giggles want?
Who is he looking for?
Where is he?